With his usual freedom, Philippe Lavil has dreamed up this hybrid album where an unreleased song - "Au pays des vermeils" - is mixed with his songs of the past - both known and lesser known. All this with a few special guests, because solo crossings are not really his thing. Claudio Capéo puts his sunshine on "Elle préfère l'amour en mer", Viktor Lazlo caresses "Ne m'oublie pas" with his silky voice, and Lola (Philippe's youngest daughter) joins him on "Ti Case". The new arrangements created by Rodrigo Gonzalez Miqueles and Marco Raya Correa, update the songs while remaining faithful to their roots. The chosen angle is resolutely acoustic, organic, with talented musicians like Mathieu Borgne (steel drum) and Lionel Villars (percussions). This well-felt freshness gives us to listen again to successes like "Ailleurs c'est toujours l'idéal", "La part des anges" and "Sous le même soleil" (written after a trip to Lebanon, just after the war). Even the inusable "Il tape sur des bambous" benefits from this treatment, and for the first time, Philippe was willing to cover his youthful hit "Avec les filles je ne sais pas". There is a prescription.